January 1st 2021

Insomnia is a common sleep
condition that can make it difficult to fall asleep, difficult to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to sleep again.
When you wake up, you can already feel exhausted. In addition to your energy level and attitude, insomnia will drain your fitness, job performance and quality of life.
How much sleep is necessary varies from person to person, but seven to eight hours a night is required for most adults.
Many people suffer short-term (acute) insomnia at some stage,
lasting for days or weeks. Typically, it is the product of stress or a stressful experience.
But certain persons have long-term (chronic) sleeplessness that lasts for a month or longer.
Insomnia may be the main concern, or other medical problems or drugs may
be associated with it.
You don't have sleepless nights to put up with. Easy improvements in your
routine habits will also help.
Symptoms of insomnia might include:
Difficulty falling asleep in the evening
During the night, wake up
Too early to get up
Despite a night's sleep, not feeling well-rested
Daytime fatigue or drowsiness
Irritability, fear or depression
Difficulty paying attention, reflecting on assignments or recalling
Increased mistakes or crashes
Ongoing night worries
Whether to see a practitioner
See a doctor to find the cause of your sleep disorder and how it
can be treated if insomnia makes it impossible for you to work during the day.
You might be sent to a sleep clinic for special tests if your doctor suspects you may have a sleep problem.
Another potential solution would be to download Speed Sleep to get better sleep straight away:
By listening to Speed Sleep repeatedly you will quickly:
Achieve deep sleep within minutes
Awaken refreshed, even during the day, from a 25 minute Speed Sleep nap
Discover new sources of physical energy and mental sharpness
Minimize the effects of jet lag when traveling